Adopt-A-Highway Roadside Clean Up
Love your river and keep it clean.
Register by clicking VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION button. Get an assignment, pick up safety info and bags, go pick up trash.
Spring 2025
The Adopt-A-Highway roadside cleanup volunteer activity is scheduled for TBD. We encourage SVATU members and families to being the summer season in by participating in this spring’s clean up of our Adopt-A-Highway section of CO Hwy 7 or clean up a section of stream near your home.
We are seeking volunteers who are willing to devote a couple of hours to picking up trash along State Highway 7 between mile markers 22 and 25 anytime from April 1 to November 1. This year, volunteers are asked to follow these steps:
Register by clicking button at top of this page
Complete CDOT training requirements by watching a video and sign and return waiver
Meet at Sandstone Park, Lyons, CO
Get your assignment and head up into the canyon to your assigned section of Highway, and clear trash from both sides of the highway;
Check in by text or email when you are done.
We are looking for 12 or more volunteers. If you know someone that needs service hours, this is a great opportunity to get some. Youth under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.